Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Almost Fall

This is a disconcerting time of year. It's getting light later, so I'm oversleeping. It's getting dark earlier, so I'm not sure when to stop working or when to eat anymore, or if I have time to take my usual walk in the park or need to take a shorter route, or what the heck to wear!

The bugs that usually start making noise at dusk and carry on till daybreak are frantically chirping, whirring, and violining all day, which makes me sleepy at the oddest times. You have to watch out for mad bees, furiously gathering as much nectar as they can and unafraid to see whether they can get it out of you.

Leaves shock me as they pelt my face without warning and fool me as they cover dips and holes in the grass. Walking is even more hazardous with walnuts underfoot, falling out of trees and narrowly missing your noggin. They really should have a warning "incoming" kind of whistle. Ditto for the Osage oranges!

But it's beautiful! It's time to rake leaves, cook comfort food, curl up with hot cider and a good book, get the wool out. And look forward to a little of this!

All photos taken by me. Please do not copy or use in any manor.

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